Great New York and New Jersey IT News & Information

Yahoo Data Theft Good Reason to Regularly Change Passwords

In case you needed another reason for regularly changing your passwords, the recently-uncovered Yahoo hack of 500 million accounts is probably the reason of the decade so far. The hack and subsequent data theft involving half a billion Yahoo accounts is the largest of its kind – ever. Granted, it is Yahoo, where most people […]

Cloud Security Risks Mostly Come from Employees

With the many companies and organizations moving a majority of their data networks to the cloud, there is an oft-overlooked and underestimated danger in the midst of the current exodus to cloud computing: risk of cyber security breach from within. And, while it’s not something CEOs or other executives want to face when busy with […]

Constant Analysis of Your Network Security Performance is Crucial to Preventing Attacks

Being able to identify and anticipate network security flaws is a critical part of IT “hygiene,” and should be performed on an ongoing basis by experts. Not doing this is a big reason why we are seeing more and more cyberattacks and data breaches. So-called “zero-day” exploits or cyber breaches occur because companies and organizations […]