Cyber Attackers NEVER Take Vacation

Just Because You are Ready to Relax, It Doesn’t Mean You Can Let Your Guard Down!

Cyber Attacks

Most people take vacations during the summer months, but unfortunately, that doesn’t include cyber attackers who plan to take advantage of those relaxing and letting their guard down. If you’re getting ready to relax, that is fine, but don’t forget about the cyber attackers who make an easy living during the summer months.

NYNJA doesn’t take a break when it comes to protecting your livelihood. Our cyber security professionals work around the clock to keep your data safe – giving you a much needed break without the risk. Call NY (845) 664-4357, NJ (201) 785-7800 or email us:

When it comes to cyber security, there is no such thing as a vacation. Why? Because cyber attackers hit businesses in New York / New Jersey around the clock – they don’t take a break, but we don’t either:

  • Managing your anti-virus software and firewalls around the clock to detect and remove any type of unwanted threats.
  • Installing web-content filtering software that ensures your employees aren’t accessing dangerous, malware-ridden sites.
  • Encrypting all sensitive email messages to safeguard sensitive information sent or received against unauthorized access.
  • Backing up vital data and applications in order to ensure you’re able to recover if an attack gets through.
  • Reviewing all security measures and policies to find any vulnerabilities and weak points that are leaving you vulnerable.

Before you decide it’s time for some relaxation, give us a call at NY (845) 664-4357, NJ (201) 785-7800 or send us an email: Go ahead, take a vacation, just don’t let attackers fall through the cracks. We are here to help you.